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Do You Want Calm Bees And Bumper Honey Crops?

Fed up of ANGRY BEES, lots of swarming and mediocre honey crops? It doesn't have to be this way. Take control now and start your journey towards calm bees and bumper honey crops!
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Don't accept aggressive bees! I managed hundreds of them and it was NO FUN. I nearly gave up on my dream but managed to transition my horrible, aggressive bees into calm and gentle colonies. Beekeeping is now a real pleasure again and I love spending time with the bees, watching them thrive!

Laurence Edwards - Owner - Black Mountain Honey

Does This Sound Like You?

Your bees are ANGRY and want to sting you at every opportunity
You have beehives that aren't performing well or making honey
You've spent lots of money on beekeeping and the bees aren't paying you back
Your bees swarm just when the honey flow arrives
Your bees have multiple brood disorders within the brood nest
You are not alone and I spent years managing my bees like this!
It's not fun but it doesn't have to be this way...


What Do You Want?

Calm, gentle and placid bees that are perfect for your back garden
Up to 300lbs of honey PER COLONY each year
Less swarming throughout the season 
Healthy bees with less viral brood disorders than local mongrels
Prolific colonies that are ideal for making nucleus colonies for sale 

Don't Know What Your Are Doing Wrong?

You wouldn't expect a mongrel dog to win at Crufts because it's not been bred for the specific success characteristics of a winning canine! The same applies with beekeeping...

You can't expect a mongrel queen to perform in the same way as a pedigree or hybrid queen that has been selected over generations, for SPECIFIC traits and characteristics.

If your mongrel bees aren't performing, it's not their fault! They are self-selecting their own genetics for two very specific traits. Wild bees or local mongrels are only interested in TWO things and that's SURVIVAL and passing their genetics to the next generation.

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Survive OR Thrive?

Survival for bees means defensive behaviour to stop predators attacking them. It means multiple swarms per season to combat varroa and spread their genetics. It means they focus on frugality as opposed to abundance. For mongrel bees, SURVIVAL is EVERYTHING!

Do you want your bees to SURVIVE or THRIVE

I persevered with wild, feral and mongrel bees for years with little to show apart from multiple stings, swollen eyes and painful arms! It was time for a change... 

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Time For A Change...

After giving up on the local, feral mongrel bees, I decided to experiment with some F1 Buckfast Queens that I bought directly from Melita Bees. 

After 6-8 weeks, I noticed the temperament was starting to change and the bees weren't attacking me as much. I noticed the REAL CHANGE in the first full season after they were introduced. The bees had overwintered well and were so calm, placid and prolific - it really took me by surprise!

In that first season with Buckfast queens, my bees produced over 300% more honey compared to previous seasons. They had been transformed into the calmest bees I had ever managed and the propensity to swarm had massively reduced. There was no looking back at this point!
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The secret to calm bees and bumper honey crops is simple. It's ALL down to the queen's genetics. 

At Black Mountain Honey, we have access to the finest breeding stock in Europe, which results in calm, prolific and healthy colonies of bees that have the power to transform your beekeeping and make it enjoyable and profitable! You DON'T NEED to persevere with mediocre bees!

Our unique lines of pedigree and hybrid queens have been carefully selected and nurtured over decades to ensure the F1 queens are calm, placid, healthy and prolific!

Don't believe me? Read what our customers think of our bees...


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Although I have kept bees for many years, I have never needed to purchase queens, but last year decided to try a Buckfast queen and see if they really produce lovely bees. Well, the result is YES! They really are calm and gentle and I have ordered more this year. I am glad I decided to experiment and it’s paid off!

Jane Griffiths

Black Mountain Honey
Fast service and the best queens ever I've ever had, absolute laying machines with wall to wall brood!

Andrew Dart

First class! Communication prior to delivery was very good and the bees arrived in very good condition. Asked for advice they were quick to answer and really helped me, my bees are now doing really well. Would highly recommend them!

Dani Beckett

Super impressed with the speed and efficiency of the order process. The queen's arrived healthy and have settled well into the hives. Where I once had unfriendly, aggressive bee's I now have placid and incredibly busy bees. Thank You

Julie Boyce

Black Mountain Honey
I’ve been keeping bees for over 30 years- and never have I had such gentle bees - these Buckfast Q are amazing- egg laying machines.

Martin Hutchinson

Black Mountain Honey
Absolutely fantastic service. Queens are extremely well produced with fantastic genetics. I have managed to encourage 2 people to also buy because I can’t get over how good the quality of the queens are and how smooth the service is!

Stuart Williams

This was my first time ordering a mated queen for one of my colonies. The whole process was so easy with ordering and the quick delivery time and at the end of it you have a very productive queen who lays very calm and busy bees.

Duncan Newton

Black Mountain Honey
Never a fault with the queens we buy from Black Mountain Honey, amazing quality queens with an excellent temperament, laying pattern. Wouldn’t go anywhere else!


I purchased a mated queen, had great support after receiving my queen promptly and safety packaged. Responded to my emails with regards to introducing her and what I should do with my Hive and frames. Great personal touch. Thanks

Ross Allen

Black Mountain Honey
I've bought bees from BMH for years and they've always been calm on the comb and prolific honey producers. Laurence is a fountain of knowledge and always happy to reply to emails and comments. I wouldn't buy from anywhere else.

Chris P

Black Mountain Honey
Have had two Buckfast queens. Fast delivery, lovely calm and prolific queens. Bees are a joy to handle. Highly recommended!


No Nonsense Review.... Best Queens Best customer service Best products Best videos

Serg Gio

Black Mountain Honey
Bought a number of Buckfast Queens, always arrived in tip top condition and have all been great laying queens. Super speedy delivery, great service. 💕🐝

Carla Smith

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Absolutely fantastic. Great bees. Great service. Great help for new beekeepers!

Spencer Isaac


At BMH, we prioritise the calmness traits above all else. We want everyone to experience calm, placid and prolific honey bees, that are a pleasure to work with. Ideally suited for back garden beekeepers and bee farmers alike.

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A wonderful by-product of using our queens is that the colonies are so prolific, they create bountiful honey crops. Some of our customers achieved over 300lbs of honey from a single hive in the 2024 season!

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The combination of calm, healthy bees and bumper honey crops is enough to make anybody happy. Our loyal customers have been kind enough to leave us some wonderfully positive reviews, complementing our queens/bees.

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See What Our Queens Are Capable Of!

In order to create bumper honey crops, you need LOTS of bees that are willing to stick around and not swarm. Our queens create HUGE colonies full of calm, hardworking bees that create BUMPER honey crops! Check out this video...
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I cannot recommend BMH highly enough. I have used them multiple times and on every single occasion, the service has been exceptional. Laurence genuinely cares about the service he provides and it really does show. I have bought Bees, Queens and Honey and all are faultless.

John Hayes


Tom Wards Case Study
Joshua Queens Case Study
Harrys Queens Case Study
Colin - Nucs Case Study
Aaron Cornish Nucs
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First-class service from ordering to post-delivery. The communication from Laurence throughout the process was superb and he replies instantly to emails and WhatsApp messages. You get the feeling that nothing is too much for him and there is no question too trivial for him to answer, even weeks after my bees had arrived.

Alistair Watson

Superior Queen Bees for Sale 

Black Mountain Honey - Your Trusted Source for Queen Bees for Sale

If you want to enhance your apiary with calm, prolific, and genetically superior queen bees for sale, you're in the right place. As we prioritise calmness throughout the breeding process, our mated queen bees are renowned for their placid temperament and prolific honey-gathering capabilities. Experience the transformative power of our queen honey bees and transform your beekeeping experience.

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Used queens from many suppliers over the years, but Black Mountain Honeys F1 Buckfast are one of the best we've had. We had several from them now, all arrived in great condition, great temperament, great laying patterns and very prolific. Great customer service from the company. 

Jason Stone

Royal Mail Special Delivery

We send all of our live products using Royal Mail's Special Delivery Service

DASH Accredited

As responsible, sustainable and committed bee farmers, we hold full DASH accreditation.

Customer Service

Got a question? Drop us a message or call. We are always happy to help you!

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