We make up hundreds of nucs for sale each year and we like to think we are getting pretty good at it. Our nucs for sale come in a Paynes poly nuc and with an F1 Buckast queen, 3-4 frames of brood, a superb, calm temperatment, unlimited support and free delivery in the UK.
Want to leave the beehive splitting to the team at BMH?
Day 0: Identify a strong colony to use as a donor hive. Remove 3-4 frames of brood and 2-3 frames of stores and place in nuc. Shake in plenty of nurse bees to make up a 6 frame nuc.
You need to ensure you have brood in all stages (eggs and larvae) and plenty of bees to cover the frames, but no queen! - SEE VIDEO.

Day 0: It's possible to make up nucs or make splits in the same apiary but, it's far easier to manage the numbers of bees, without drifting, by moving to a new apiary.
Close the bees in the nuc and transfer them to the new apiary location. The new apiary should be at least miles away.
Day 8: Leave split alone for 8 days. If you moved apiary you can feed. If you stayed in the same apiary, do not feed (reduce robbing).
Day 8: After 8 days, go through every single frame and shake the bees off. Identify all emergency cells and remove them. Double check - you need to remove ALL the cell
Our queens are bred from the healthiest and most productive colonies, ensuring strong and thriving hives. We only use Buckfast genetics from breeder queens that we have sourced from the very best breeding stock in Europe. Our nucs for sale are calm, placid and a pleasure to work with. The perfect colony for your back garden.
Nucs for sale
In this video, I show you how to split bees without finding the queen. Making splits without finding the queen is a great way to make increase in the apiary but also it removes the most difficult part of the process, which is finding the queen bee. This is process I now use when making hundreds of splits.
How To Split A Hive Without Finding The Queen

Laurence has helped me through the last 2 years of my beekeeping journey, his YouTube channel is excellent and also offers members exclusive videos which is highly recommended as they cover any niggling question you may have ever had. Thank you Laurence for all your help, support and sharing extensive knowledge and experiences. 🙏
Walker Bee Honey
We do our best to make things as simple as possible. From fast checkouts to Apple/Google Pay. We have you covered.
Our ordering process is simple
Our website is backed by WIX so it's super-fast and secure. We support fast checkouts with Google/Apple Pay to make ordering as simple as possible. We take all major credit/debit cards.
Easy Ordering
We work as hard as the bees to get your orders to you ASAP. Queens/Nucs are sent via Royal Mail’s Special Tracked Next Day Delivery and all other orders are sent via a Tracked 48hr service.
Fast Delivery
We don’t just deliver your bees and abandon you. We produce a wide range of videos to help you become a better beekeeper. We are always contactable by phone, email or WhatsApp.
Customer Service
Whether you want to buy queen bees or you are looking for nucs for sale, quality is everything to us. We don't cut corners! When you buy from BMH, you get the very best bees money can buy.
Quality Products
Great vlogger who put way more in than he needs to. By far the best on the internet! With awesome bees and queens. A must for any bee keeper new or old.
Darren Hawkins
Discover Nucs Bees Case Studies
Day 8: Immediately after destroying ALL the emergency cells, the colony is now hopelessly queenless. They have no queen and no resources (eggs or larvae) to create one.
Add a mated queen, in a sealed queen cage and place between two frames of brood. Do not remove the tab covering the fondant.

Day 10: Leave the sealed cage in between the brood frames for 48 hrs. This allows the bees to get used to the smell of their new queen.
After 48 hrs, you can remove the plastic tab to expose the fondant. Place the cage back between the frames of brood and the bees will slowly release the queen.
Day 17: After 1 week, we go back and check for eggs to see if the queen has been successfully introduced. If you see eggs, then there is no need to see the queen.
If you dont see eggs, try and locate the queen. It can take 2-3 weeks for mated queens to come back into lay following being caged
Royal Mail Special Delivery
We send all of our live products using Royal Mail's Special Delivery Service
DASH Accredited
As responsible, sustainable and committed bee farmers, we hold full DASH accreditation.
Customer Service
Got a question? Drop us a message or call. We are always happy to help you!