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How to use honey in the kitchen?

Writer's picture: Laurence EdwardsLaurence Edwards
How to use honey in the kitchen
Honey is so versatile and a great sugar substitute

How to use honey in the kitchen?


I am a bit of a honey monster. I love honey so it’s a good thing I keep bees otherwise it could become an expensive habit. In this blog post, I am going to discuss the various ways that I use honey in the kitchen in the Bresser-Edwards household.

How to use honey in the kitchen
I love the variety of honey we get in the UK

From fast to famine


Like most people, I am in one of two phases; the dieting phase or the non-dieting phases. Honey plays a big role in both of these phases for me! It’s my go-to treat when I am not on a diet and it’s my sugar substitute when I am on a diet. Detailed below are a few recipes from our house that rely on top quality honey from Black Mountain Honey.

How to use honey in the kitchen
Honey for breakfast is my absolute favourite

Banana Milkshake


During my dieting phase, this is my favourite thing as a meal substitute. A cold banana milkshake, whizzed up with ice and honey. Its surpringley simple and quick to make, takes a while to drink, helps fill a gap and uses up overripe bananas.

How to use honey in the kitchen
I have this milkshake pretty much every day

300ml skimmed milk

1 ripe banana

3 ice cubes

2 x teaspoons of Black Mountain Runny Honey which you can BUY HERE


Place all ingredients into a NUTRI NINJA and whizz until smooth. Delicious.

How to use honey in the kitchen
Banana milkshake is a great meal substitute

Peanut Butter and Honey on ANYTHING


I generally get to 9-10pm each evening before giving in and having some toast or if I am being really good, a crisp rice cake. The topping rarely changes though. In fact, it never changes. Its always peanut butter AND honey!

How to use honey in the kitchen
This is my weakness

Good quality crunchy peanut butter

BMH Borage Honey – available HERE

Your choice of toast, bread, bagel, pitta, nan, rice cake. Any carb will do J


Toast your carb and spread on both peanut butter and borage honey. Eat with a pint of milk. Yum. It HAS to be borage honey for this combo to work in my opinion. The mild taste of borage just works SO well peanut butter.

How to use honey in the kitchen
Especially with borage honey



We very nearly started to look at a premises to sell this product in the UK. Borella is a totally made up name for a product that we make at home that is common place across Europe.  But, I have decided we are definitely not going to go down the route of making it commercially so I will share the simple recipe with you. Its possibly the nicest thing you will EVER eat on toast.

How to use honey in the kitchen
Looks gross. Tastes awesome.

100g Shelled and skinned roasted hazelnuts

BMH Borage Honey – available HERE


Grind the roast hazelnuts to a coarse paste in a nutri ninja and mix in borage honey to a spreadable consistency.


It’s basically a sweet gourmet peanut butter but the combination of hazelnuts and borage honey is truly unbeatable. Spread it on toast. Stuff it in croissants. Eat it with yoghurt. Believe me. This will change your life.


Green Tea


I used to drink a HUGE amount of caffeinated tea and coffee and whilst I still have a cup of coffee in the morning, the rest of the day I spend drinking herbal teas, which I really enjoy. The recipe below works wonders for a cold but I drink it regularly as it tastes nice and is good for you.

How to use honey in the kitchen
This one is definitely healthy

Bag of green tea

Juice of half a lemon

Rind of half a lemon

Thumb size piece of ginger thinly sliced

2 tsp of BMH Heather Honey – available HERE


Pour boiling water on the tea bag. Add lemon juice and rind. Add sliced ginger. Leave to steep for 5-6 mins. Drain and then stir in heather honey. The 5-6 mins is crucial as it allows the tea to cool before adding the honey, helping to preserve the anti-microbial and anti-bacterial effects of the honey. This is my all-time favourite drink and luckily, it’s very healthy too.

How to use honey in the kitchen
You can feel yourself being healed as you drink it

We also like to use honey in our salad dressings and for glazed meats in our BBQ but I will leave them for another blog post.


What do you like to use your honey for? Let me know in the comments. 



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